The body’s ability to heal itself is enhanced by what we feed it. Although we cannot control our genetic or DNA make-up, we can control how we feed our body to work and heal optimally. Milwaukee Acupuncture and Wellness works with each patient to make diet modifications based on their various symptoms and/or medical conditions.
We incorporate both Western and Chinese nutritional recommendations to achieve and maintain good health. Examples of dietary modifications include foods to boost your energy, reduce menstrual cramping, stabilize blood sugar levels, enhance fertility, lose weight etc.
Good nutrition is an important aspect of the healing process. We can control what we eat and how we nourish our bodies. Obtaining optimal nutrition speeds up your healing process, decreases inflammation within the body, improves energy, and prevents disease within the body.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.
We are dedicated in improving your overall health and wellbeing.